Saturday, December 10, 2005

Pomelo Salad Recipe

Pomelo (see left)
Palm Sugar
Fish Sauce
Lime Juice
Dried Shrimps
Birds Eye Chilli
Fresh Mint

First pound the garlic in a pestle and mortar, add palm sugar, lime juice, fish sauce and chilli slices, pund up together to make the dressing. Add some dried shrimps and pound a little. Peel the pomelo and shred segments into a bowl. Pour the dressing over the pomelo. Get some plain shelled peanuts and either grill them or heat in a pan with no oil until brown. Crush the peanuts in the pestle and mortar and then mix into sald. Chop or shred the fresh mint leaves and add them to the salad. Mix up. Fresh, sweet, sour, spicy and delicious! Serve with honey roast chicken thighs and rice mmmmmmmmmmm.
Learn more about the pomelo here
Here's another pomelo recipe

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